A New Lady Justice in India: How She Represents a Fair and Balanced Legal System
The Lady Justice in India is a symbol that shows how the law works in a country. She represents fairness, truth, and the rules everyone must follow. Recently, the Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, unveiled a new statue of Lady Justice at the Supreme Court of India. This new statute has some changes about how the legal system becomes more modern and balanced.
To understand why this new Lady Justice is special, let’s examine the story behind her and why she’s important.
Why does a Woman represent Justice?
system that allows people to be punished properly if they do something wrong. In many cultures, a woman is used to show Justice because, long ago, people believed certain goddesses represented fairness and truth.
Ancient Greece’s goddesses Themis, Dike, and Astraea were seen as symbols of Justice. In Ancient Rome, a goddess named Justitia became the most common symbol of Justice, showing that fairness was important for all rulers. This is why Lady Justice is a woman in many places worldwide.
What Does Lady Justice Usually Look Like?
In most countries, Lady Justice is shown as a woman holding a pair of scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She usually has a blindfold over her eyes. Each part of her picture has a meaning:
- The scales show balance—making sure things are fair.
- The sword represents punishment for those who do wrong.
- The blindfold means that Justice is blind—she doesn’t judge people based on who they are but on their actions.
Different countries have their versions of Lady Justice. In Brazil, she sits down while holding a sword and wearing a blindfold, which means she listens to everyone before deciding. In the UK, she stands tall with her sword raised high to remind people that Justice can be strict.
Lady Justice in India
In India, Lady Justice first appeared during British rule. She looked like other statues in Western countries, with a blindfold over her eyes, scales in one hand, and a sword in the other. The idea was that Justice should be fair and not see who was rich or poor. However, some people in India criticized this statue because they felt that having a blindfold made it seem like the law was blind and didn’t always see the truth.
The New Lady Justice in India
The new statue of Lady Justice in India, unveiled by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud, brings some big changes. She still represents fairness and truth but with new features that connect more with India’s culture.

Here’s what’s different:
- Wearing a Saree: Instead of the usual Western-style robe, the new Lady Justice wears a saree, traditional Indian clothing. This shows that the law in India is connected to Indian values and traditions.
- Eyes Wide Open: The blindfold is gone. Lady Justice’s eyes are now open, meaning she’s aware of what’s happening around her. She sees and understands people’s problems, ensuring that the law is not blind.
- The Constitution Instead of a Sword: The sword is replaced with a book—the Constitution of India. This means that, instead of focusing on punishment, the legal system will focus on protecting people’s rights and following the principles of fairness in the Constitution.
This new statute shows that Justice in India is changing and evolving. The legal system is moving from punishing people to ensuring everyone’s rights are respected, and fairness is always upheld.
What Does This Mean for India’s Future?
The new Lady Justice tells us that the legal system is growing and becoming more fair. Focusing on the Constitution and keeping her eyes open, the latest statue reminds everyone that Justice in India is about understanding, protecting rights, and treating everyone equally. This change could mean fewer harsh punishments and more attention to making sure everyone’s rights are respected.
The unveiling of the new Lady Justice shows us that the law in India is becoming more modern and focused on fairness for all. With her eyes open and the Constitution in her hand, this new Lady Justice reflects a more thoughtful and balanced legal system that cares about the rights of everyone in India.